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Temperate is our first open terrarium design for plants that enjoy a moist environment yet require airflow and room to grow. Open terrariums are for plants that require bright but indirect light and more room for soil. The Sanctuary M Temperate is 160mm wide x 145mm high. Temperate is also composed of a hand blown glass top and is available with a variety of base materials. The soil is subtly hidden in the design so the foliage can feature in all its glory. The plant insert provides more room for soil and better options for draining excess water to prevent potential rotting of your plants roots. Just pierce the insert for marble and concrete bases. Creating your arrangement in the insert keeps your base and glass clean. It’s easy to drain and make changes without the need for terrarium tools and very easy to clean, just remove the glass top to polish. If you love to experiment with plants other than moss then you will love this refined, open terrarium design.

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